A message from Stewart Morland

Last year was busy and productive for IOR – we saw many new sites open in our network using the helpful feedback received from our customers and we also celebrated our 30th birthday as a company.  Now we look to the future and an even bigger 2015.  It has been a while since our last update and we already have a lot of news to share with our valued customers.

Over the next few months, we aim to have introduced all of our tag customers to the new IOR Customer Portal.  The system allows you to view online your current and historical site pricing and your recent transaction history.  You can find the instructions on how to sign up in the news section of our website.

The IOR 24/7 Diesel Stop network continues to grow at a rapid pace, with new sites opening in Ceduna, Goondoowindi, Bundamba, Deniliquin and Hillston in the coming months.  This year, we are continuing to source and research possible sites for development to further strengthen our coverage and meet the demand of our customers.  If you have any suggestions for potential locations, please contact me as we would love to hear about how to best service your network needs.

IOR Petroleum had fun attending the Chinchilla Melon Festival in February and it was great to meet members of the local farming community.  Interestingly, some farming businesses in the region did not know that IOR also tailors fuel, storage and monitoring & reporting solutions for business in the Agriculture and Heavy Transport sectors – not just Mining and Oil & Gas.  We’d love to discover more about your need for fuel solutions, so please contact Marty at our Chinchilla depot for a discussion.

Fuel vouchers are up for grabs in our Photo Competition for the 2016 IOR Calendar and  I love seeing contributions from our customers each year.  Instructions on how to enter, along with terms and conditions can be found in the news section of our website – iorpetroleum.wpengine.com.

That’s all from me for now until our next update in June.  In the meantime, we are dedicated to improving our products and services available to all our customers and any input you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to contact either Ross or myself directly.


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